"Breaking Them Up" FAQ

When is Breaking Them Up being released in the U.S.?
Breaking Them Up is now available on digital.
Is Breaking Them Up available on DVD/Blu-ray?
Breaking Them Up is not yet available on DVD, but is currently available on VoD now. Watch Breaking Them Up now.
What is Breaking Them Up rated?
Breaking Them Up is Rated PG-13 for some strong language and smoking.
Who made Breaking Them Up?
The Breaking Them Up movie was written by Dev Wadhwa, directed by Scott Dow, and produced by Scott Dow, Tim Ogletree, and Bernie Stern.
What is Breaking Them Up about?

In the Breaking Them Up movie, convinced his parents are all wrong for each other, a resourceful teenager enlists the help of his best friend to help break up his parents’ marriage.

Who stars in Breaking Them Up?
Breaking Them Up features an amazing lineup including:
  • Stephen Schneider
  • Jakob Wedel
  • Kelen Coleman
  • Tess Auburt
How can I stay up-to-date on Breaking Them Up?
To stay up-to-date on the latest Breaking Them Up news, follow us on Facebook, Instagram and be sure to sign up for the official Breaking Them Up newsletter.
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